Scheduled Exhibition The Aoki Collection – Ogata Gekko: Flower and Figure Print Artist

Exhibit Period
Friday, March 8 - Sunday, April 14, 2013
Exhibit Times
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(last admissions at 4:30 p.m.)
Organized by
The Nakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum of Art
Museum closed
March , 11, 18, 25, April , 1, 8
Admission Fee
Adults: 500 (450) yen High School, College Students: 300 (270) yen * Fees in parentheses are group rates for 20 or more visitors. * Free admission for visitors 70 years old and older, and children junior high school aged and younger. * Half price for visitors with a disability certificate, and half price for one accompanying caregiver.
Works in the Aoki Collection were collected from the Taisho period through the early Showa period by Aoki Tosaku (1870-1946), a businessman born in the Hazamada district of Niita Village (now Sakura City) in Tochigi Prefecture. This private collection of more than 4000 works remained unknown to others for nearly 50 years following his death, until it was donated to Bato-machi (now Nakagawa-machi) in February 1997.
Born in the Kyobashi district of Edo, Ogata Gekko (1859-1920) was active as an Edo to Meiji Period landscape and figure print artist. Acquiring his artistry by self-study, he sharpened his skills by drawing sketches of rickshaws for gold-relief lacquer (maki-e) and lacquerware for export. Steadily building his experience, he became a popular and leading artist of his time. Gekko’s graceful and gentle images of women are loved by many.
From our museum’s Aoki Collection, we will introduce works from the twenty to thirty years during the Meiji Period when Ogata Gekko was most active as an artist, and these will be joined on display by works by other artists connected to Gekko.
Museum Talk
Saturday, March 9, 2013 1:30 p.m. (presented by this museum’s curator)