10th Anniversary of the Nakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum of Art 5th Anniversary of Municipal Consolidation -The Two Great Highways: Travelling the Tokaido and Kisokaido-

-From the Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido - Nihonbashi- Utagawa Hiroshige Nakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum of Art
Exhibit Period
Part 1: September 4 (Sat)- October 3(Sun), 2010
Part 2: October 8 (Fri)- November 14 (Sun), 2010
Exhibit Times
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(last admissions at 4:30 p.m.)
Organized by
Nakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum of Artt
Museum closed
September6(Mon),13(Mon),21(Tue),27(Mon) October12(Tue),18(Mon),25(Tue),November1(Mon),8(Mon)
Admission Fee
Adults: 700 (630) yen High School, College Students: 400 (360) yen * Fees in parentheses are group rates for 20 or more visitors. * Free admission for visitors 70 years old and older, and children junior high school aged and younger. * Half price for visitors with a disability certificate, and half price for one accompanying caregiver.
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) created "From the Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido Highway" at the beginning of the Tempo Period, and with it made a name for himself as an ukiyo-e landscape print artist. The prints in this series feature the overnight rest stops on the highway in various seasons, times of day, and weather. By incorporating the workings of nature into the composition, Hiroshige invites the viewer into each print, giving the sense of actually being a traveler. Following publication of this work, Hiroshige was approached with projects by various publishing houses. Several years after his Tokaido series with the publisher Hoeido gained acclaim, he produced "From Sixty-nine Stages of the Kiso Highway." He originally planned to produce it all himself, but this didn't fit into his schedule. Keisai Eisen (1791-1848) took up his brush and drew 24 of the scenes, then Hiroshige drew 47 scenes to complete the work.
In this exhibition, we introduce both "From Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido Highway" and "From Sixty-nine Stages of the Kiso Highway." By exhibiting both series in one exhibit area, you will be able to follow the transition in Hiroshige's artistic style, and be satiated with Hiroshige's inspiration.
* Major works exhibited include -From Fifty-three Stages of the Tokaido Highway - Shono- (Utagawa Hiroshige), -Kiso Highway - Nakatsugawa-(Utagawa Hiroshige) and others.
Museum Talk
Shinya Ichikawa, Hiroshige Museum Curator
September 4, 2010
1:30 p.m. (requires payment of admission fee)