Scheduled Exhibition Summery Images of Edo: Ghosts and Specters of the Age

Katsushika, Hokusai. "Residence of Dishes" from the series of "One Hundred Stories", Kawasaki Isago no Sato Museum's possession
Exhibit Period
August 8 (Fri) to September 15 (Mon), 2008
Exhibit Times
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(last admissions at 4:30 p.m.)
Museum closed
August 11 (Mon); 8 (Mon); 25 (Mon); September 1 (Mon); 8 (Mon), 2008
Admission Fee
Adults 500 (450) yen; High School, College Students: 300 (270) yen; Elementary, Junior High School Students: 100 (90) yen * Fees in parentheses are group rates for 20 or more visitors * Free admission for visitors aged over 70 years and preschoolers * Half price for visitors with the physical disability certificate, and for one accompanying caregiver
There are many attractions in the summer such as fireworks and festivals. In Japan, ghosts and specters are also associating with summer.
In the Edo period, people widely believed in the existence of ghosts. Famous ghosts in those days are what were played in kabuki such as “Yotusya Ghosts Story of Tokaido”, “Residence of Dishes in Bancho”, or “Peony Lantern”.
In those days there was nothing but a paper lantern to throw light vacantly in the night. People couldn’t help believing in the existence of ghosts and specters which lurked in the shadows. However, some people were curious about ghosts just as we like to visit haunted houses today.
Since early times, ghosts and specters have been in common as the subjects of Japanese art and as the associating with summer. This exhibition introduces works by Kuniyoshi, Hokusai and other ukiyo-e artists describing ghosts and specters with humor and uniqueness.
Museum Talk
Presented by the curator of the museum on August 16, 2008 (Sat).
Start at 1:30 p.m.
Payment of museum admission fee is required.
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The Nakagawa-machi Bato Hiroshige Museum of Art