Exhibition by Nakagawa Town Bato Hiroshige Famous Pieces from the Aoki Collection

Exhibit Period
March 15 (Thurs) to April 15, 2007 (Sun)
Exhibit Times
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(last admissions at 4:30 p.m.)
Museum closed
Closed Mondays Closed March 22 (Thurs)
Admission Fee
Adults: 500 (450) yen; High School, College Students: 300 (270) yen Elementary, Junior High School Students: 100 (90) yen * Fees in parentheses are group rates for 20 or more patrons * Free admission for patrons aged 70 years and over * Half-price for patrons with accessibility and special needs,and for one accompanying caregiver
Aoki Tosaku, a successful entrepreneur in Tochigi, collected artwork from the early 1900s to 1946. His collection was donated to Nakagawa Town and is kept in our museum. We present to you a selection of these masterpieces.
This exhibition naturally centers on Edo period Ukiyoe artist Utagawa Hiroshige’s woodblock prints. It also has calligraphy by a prominent Meiji era journalist Tokutomi Soho, Kawamura Kiyo’s oil paintings, a Kubota Beisen Japanese painting, and works by Yoshida Hiroshi and others’ prints, swords, and a variety of kinds of works. We exhibit about seventy pieces. Moreover, at this opportunity we present for the first time works by a print artist native to Tochigi, Arai Kanpo, and Makino Bokuryo and others. We invite you to enjoy firsthand various masterworks of the Aoki collection.
Museum Talk
Presented by one of our curators in the exhibition room on the following Saturdays:
March 17, 2007 from 1:30 p.m.;
March 31, 2007 from 1:30 p.m.
No application is necessary.
Payment of museum admission fee is required.