Scheduled Exhibition Leisure and Popular Culture in Edo

Exhibit Period
25 Mar (Sat) ~ 23 Apr (Sun) 2006
Exhibit Times
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(last admissions at 4:30 p.m.)
Museum closed
Monday every week
Admission Fee
Adult ----------------------------------500yen (450yen) High school/university student----------300 yen(270yen) Middle/elementary school student ------100yen (90yen) Senior citizens (aged 70 or over) --------FREE Persons with disability, plus one helper---HALF PRICE *(brackets indicate group rates for groups of 20 or more)
The people of ages past, living on more intimate terms with nature, felt the passage of the four seasons much more acutely than we tend to today.
A change of season could mean the difference between one food and another, between one job and another, between one home and another, or between relative comfort and appalling hardship. Each season involved its own characteristic sights and flavours, tasks and customs.
The story of life throughout the four seasons is a popular subject in Japanese art. Works appropriate to each time of year would be used to decorate rooms, vividly illustrating the seasonal atmosphere.
This exhibition presents annual events and natural landscapes that characterised the four seasons as depicted in works by artists like Utagawa Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Ogata Gekko (1859 - 1920).
These works, selected from amongst the museum’s extensive collection, give a feel of what the four seasons meant to the Japanese of times gone by, and the very different worlds they would inhabit over the course of a single year.
Museum Talk
(by one of our curators; Japanese only)
25 Mar (Sat) 1:30pm
8 Apr (Sat) 1:30pm
22 Apr (Sat) 1:30pm