Themed Exhibit: A Modern Japanese: Mr. Aoki and His Collected Art

《Sailing Boats- Morning, from the series Collection of Scenes from Setonaikai》 by Yoshida Hiroshi
Exhibit Period
Thursday, February 23 – Sunday, March 26, 2023
Exhibit Times
9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(last admissions at 4:30 p.m.)
Museum closed
February 24, 27; March 6, 13, 20, 22
Admission Fee
Adults: 500 (450) yen High School, College Students: 300 (270) yen * Fees in parentheses are group rates for 20 or more visitors * Free admission for visitors aged over 70 years, elementary and junior high school students, and preschoolers * Half price for visitors with a physical disability certificate, and half price for one accompanying caregiver
The Aoki Collection is the heart of this museum. Comprised of art works and reference materials from the late Edo period to the Showa period, gathered together by Tochigi Prefecture entrepreneur Aoki Tosaku, the collection includes Japanese paintings by local artists such as Arai Kanpo, Kobori Tomone, and Johoji Koyo, as well as ukiyo-e and prints by Ogata Gekko, Kubota Beisen, and Yoshida Hiroshi. This exhibition focuses on modern works from the Aoki Collection that are not well known.